We use great brand name equipment for our rentals and throughly clean each item after every use.
24 Hr Rate |
Boat Rate |
Mask/Snorkel |
$10.50 |
$9.50 |
Fins |
$9.50 |
$8.50 |
Weight Belt w/10lb |
$5.50 |
$5.00 |
Weight |
.35lb |
.35lb |
Tank Air |
$10.00 |
$9.50 |
Tank EAN |
$16.50 |
$15.50 |
BC Jacket |
$19.50 |
$16.50 |
Reg. |
$20.50 |
$17.50 |
Full Wetsuit |
$20.00 |
$18.00 |
1/2 Wetsuit |
$15.50 |
$13.50 |
Hood |
$7.00 |
$6.00 |
Flag |
$8.50 |
Computer |
$22.50 |
$20.50 |
Nitrox 32% |
$16.25 |
$15.50 |
Air Fills |
Retail |
3000 PSI |
$7.50 |
Nitrox 32% |
$14.00 |
EAN Fills |
$14.50 |
Add $5.00 for Nitrox other than 32% up to 36%! (Mixes other than 32% require minimum of 4 hours)
Add $1.00 for tanks that are 85 cubic foot or larger!
Add $3.00 for doubles!